Raymond E. Goldstein
Researcher ID
Review Articles and Perspectives
Commentaries and Popularisations
Book Chapters
Lecture Notes
Spatiotemporal distribution of the glycoprotein pherophorin II reveals stochastic geometry of the growing ECM of Volvox carteri
Benjamin von der Heyde, Anand Srinivasan, Sumit Kumar Birwa, Eva Laura von der Heyde, Steph S.M.H. Höhn, Raymond E. Goldstein and Armin Hallmann
sub judice (2024)
Biological Physics and Fluid Dynamics: A Graduate Course in 24 Lectures
Raymond E. Goldstein and Eric Lauga
draft (2023)
[pdf of latest draft]
[github repository]
Stochastic Voronoi Tessellations as Models for Cellular Neighborhoods in Simple Multicellular Organisms
Anand Srinivasan, Steph S.M.H. Höhn, and Raymond E. Goldstein
sub judice (2024)
The Architecture of Sponge Choanocyte Chambers Maximizes Mechanical Pumping Efficiency
Takumi Ogawa, Shuji Koyama, Toshihiro Omori, Kenji Kikuchi, Hélène de Maleprade, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Takuji Ishikawa
sub judice (2024)
Dynamics of an Algae-Bacteria Microcosm: Photosynthesis, Chemotaxis, and Expulsion in Inhomogeneous Active Matter
Praneet Prakash, Yasa Baig, François J. Peaudecerf, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 122, in press (2025)
The 2025 Motile Active Matter Roadmap
Gerhard Gompper, Howard Stone, Christina Kurzthaler, David Saintillan, Fernando Peruani, Dmitry
Fedosov, Thorsten Auth, Cecile Cottin-Bizonne, Christophe Ybert, Eric Cl{\'e}ment, Thierry
Darnige, Anke Lindner, Raymond E. Goldstein, Benno Liebchen, Jack Binysh, Anton Souslov, Lucio Isa,
Roberto di Leonardo, Giacomo Frangipane, Hongri Gu, Bradley Nelson, Fridtjof Brauns, M. Christina Marchettei,
Frank Cichos, Veit-Lorenz Heuthe, Clemens Bechinger, Amos Korman, Ofer Feinerman, Andrea Cavagna, Irene
Giardina, Hannah Jeckel and Knut Drescher
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 37, in press (2025)
Feeders and Expellers, Two Types of Animalcules with Outboard Cilia, Have Distinct Surface Interactions
Praneet Prakash, Marco Vona, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Fluids 9, 103101 (2024)
Seeking Safety: Movement Dynamics After Post-Contact Immobility
Nigel R. Franks, Alan Worley, George T. Fortune, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Ana B. Sendova-Franks
PLOS ONE 19, e0307370 (2024)
[online at PLOS ONE]
Biophysical Fluid Dynamics in a Petri Dish
George T. Fortune, Eric Lauga, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Fluids 9, 083101 (2024)
[online at PRFluids]
Toward a Quantitative Understanding of Life
Raymond E. Goldstein and Patricia Bassereau
in EPS Grand Challenges. Physics for Society in the Horizon 2050, ed. Carlos Hidalgo, Ch. 4, 41-54 (2024) [pdf]
[online IoP]
How do Cicadas Emerge Together? Thermophysical Aspects of Their Collective Decision-Making
Raymond E. Goldstein, Robert L. Jack, and Adriana I. Pesci
Physical Review E 109, L022401 (2024)
[online at PRE]
Swimming, Feeding and Inversion of Multicellular Choanoflagellate Sheets
Lloyd Fung, Adam Konkol, Takuji Ishikawa, Ben Larson, Thibaut Brunet, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 131, 168401 (2023)
[online at PRL]
Phototaxis of Chlamydomonas Arises From a Tuned Adaptive Photoresponse Shared with
Multicellular Volvocine Green Algae
Kyriacos C. Leptos, Maurizio Chioccioli, Silvano Furlan, Adriana I. Pesci, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 107, 014404 (2023) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Stabilization of Microbial Communities by Responsive Phenotypic Switching
Pierre A. Haas, Maria A. Gutierrez, Nuno M. Oliveira, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Research 4, 033224 (2022)
[online at PRR]
Collapse of a Hemicatenoid Bounded by a Solid Wall: Instability and Dynamics Driven by Surface
Plateau Border Friction
Christophe Raufaste, Simon Cox, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Adriana I. Pesci
Soft Matter 18, 4944-4952 (2022) [pdf]
[online at Soft Matter]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
[Video 4]
Biofilm Growth Under Elastic Confinement
George T. Fortune, Nuno M. Oliveira, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 128, 178102 (2022)
[online at PRL]
Cellular Organization in Lab-Evolved and Extant Multicellular Species Obeys a Maximum Entropy Law
Thomas C. Day, Stephanie S. Höhn, Seyed A. Zamani-Dahaj, David Yanni, Anthony Burnetti, Jennifer Pentz,
Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Hugo Wioland, Hannah R. Sleath, William C. Ratcliff, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Peter J. Yunker
eLife 11, e72707 (2022)
[online at eLife]
Fluid Mechanics of Mosaic Ciliated Tissues
Francesco Boselli, Jerome Jullien, Eric Lauga, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 127, 198102 (2021)
[online at PRL]
An "Occlusive Thrombosis-on-a-Chip" Microfluidic Device for Investigating the Effect of
Anti-Thrombotic Drugs
Jess Berry,François J. Peaudecerf, Nicole A. Masters, Keith B. Neeves, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Matthew T. Harper
Lab on a Chip 21, 4104-4117 (2021) [pdf]
Geometry of Catenoidal Soap Film Collapse Induced by Boundary Deformation
Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, Christophe Raufaste, and James D. Shemilt
Physical Review E 104, 035105 (2021) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Comment on ``Faceting and Flattening of Emulsion Droplets: A Mechanical Model"
Pierre A. Haas, Raymond E. Goldstein, Diana Cholakova, Nikolai Denkov, and Stoyan K. Smoukov
Physical Review Letters 126, 259801 (2021)
[online at PRL]
Turing's Diffusive Threshold in Random Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Pierre A. Haas and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 126, 238101 (2021)
[online at PRL]
Direct Measurement of Unsteady Microscale Stokes Flow Using Optically Driven Microspheres
Nicolas Bruot, Pietro Cicuta, Hermes Gadelha, Raymond E. Goldstein, Jurij Kotar, Eric Lauga, and François Nadal
Physical Review Fluids 6, 053102 (2021) [pdf]
[online at PRFluids]
The Fluid Dynamics of Collective Vortex Structures of Plant-Animal Worms
George T. Fortune, Alan Worley, Ana B. Sendova-Franks, Nigel R. Franks, Kyriacos C. Leptos, Eric Lauga and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 914, A20 (2021)
[online at JFM]
[Video 1]
[Video 1]
Morphoelasticity of Large Bending Deformations of Cell Sheets during Development
Pierre A. Haas and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 103, 022411 (2021)
[online at PRE]
Swirling Instability of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton
David B. Stein, Gabriele De Canio, Eric Lauga, Michael J. Shelley and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 126, 028103 (2021) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
[Video 1]
--See also Physics Synopsis by Rachel Berkowitz, Physics 14, s1 (2021)
Nuclear Crowding and Nonlinear Diffusion During Interkinetic Nuclear Migration in the Zebrafish Retina
Afnan Azizi, Anne Herrmann, Salvatore J.R.P. Buse, Yinan Wan, Phillipp J. Keller, Raymond E. Goldstein,
and William A. Harris
eLife 9, e58635 (2020)
[online at eLife]
Stability of Dancing Volvox
Takuji Ishikawa, T.J. Pedley, K. Drescher, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 903, A11 (2020)
[online at JFM]
Stress-Induced Dinoflagellate Bioluminescence at the Single Cell Level
Maziyar Jalaal, Nico Schramma, Antoine Dode, Hélène de Maleprade, Christophe Raufaste, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 125, 028102 (2020) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
--See also Physics Viewpoint by Philip Ball, Physics 13, 106 (2020)
---------------Physics World article by Martina R. Hestericová
---------------Physics Today article by Rachel Berkowitz
Subpopulations and Stability in Microbial Communities
Pierre A. Haas, Nuno M. Oliveira, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Research: Rapid Communications 2, 022036(R) (2020)
[online at PRR]
CCDC61/VFL3 is a Paralog of SAS6 and Promotes Ciliary Functions
T. Ochi, V. Quarantotti, H. Lin, J. Jullien, I. Rosa e Silva, F. Boselli, D.D. Barnabas, C.M. Johnson, S.H. McLaughlin, S.M.V. Freund, A.N. Blackford, Y. Kimata, R.E. Goldstein, S.P. Jackson, T.L. Blundell, S.K. Dutcher, F. Gergely, and M. van Breugel
Structure 28, 674-689 (2020) [pdf]
[online at Structure]
Motility and Phototaxis in Gonium, the Simplest Differentiated Colonial Alga
Hélène de Maleprade, Frédéric Moisy, Takuji Ishikawa, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 101, 022416 (2020)
[online at PRE]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
[Video 4]
[Video 5]
Optimal Design of Multi-Layer Fog Collectors
Mussadaq Azeem, Adrien Guérin, Thomas Dumais, Luis Caminos, Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci,
Juan de Dios Rivera, María Josefine Torres, Jakub
Wiener, Jose Luis Campos, and Jacques Dumais
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 7736-7743 (2020)
[online at ACSAMI]
[arxiv] [Supplemental Material]
A Compact Eulerian Representation of Axisymmetric Inviscid Vortex Sheet Dynamics
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Michael J. Shelley
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 73, 239 (2020) [pdf]
[online at CPAM]
A Theory for the Slip and Drag of Superhydrodophobic Surfaces with Surfactant
Julien R. Landel, François J. Peaudecerf, Fernando Temprano-Coleto, Frédéric Gibou,
Raymond E. Goldstein, and Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 883, A18 (2020) [pdf]
[online at JFM]
Shape-Shifting Polyhedral Droplets
Pierre A. Haas, Diana Cholakova, Nikolai Denkov, Raymond E. Goldstein,
and Stoyan K. Smoukov
Physical Review Research 1, 023017 (2019)
Swimming Eukaryotic Microorganisms Exhibit a Universal Speed Distribution
Maciej Lisicki, Marcos F. Velho Rodrigues, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Eric Lauga
eLife 8, e44907 (2019) [pdf]
[online at eLife]
Nonlinear and Nonlocal Elasticity in Coarse-Grained Differential-Tension Models of Epithelia
Pierre A. Haas and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 99, 022411 (2019) [pdf]
Evaporation-Driven Convective Flows in Suspensions of Non-Motile Bacteria
Jocelyn Dunstan, Kyoung Jin Lee, Simon F. Park, Yongyun Hwang, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Fluids 3, 123102 (2018)
[online at PRFluids]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
[Video 4]
[Video 5]
Embryonic Inversion in Volvox carteri: The Flipping and Peeling of Elastic Lips
Pierre A. Haas and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 98, 052415 (2018) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Nonlinear Concentration Patterns and Bands in Auto-Chemotactic Suspensions
Enkeleida Lushi, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Michael J. Shelley
Physical Review E 98, 052411 (2018)
[online at PRE]
Coffee Stains, Cell Receptors, and Time Crystals: Lessons From the Old Literature
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics Today 71(9), 32 (2018) [pdf]
[online at Physics Today]
Time-Irreversibility and Criticality in the Motility of a Flagellate Microorganism
Kirsty Y. Wan and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 121, 058103 (2018) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
The Noisy Basis of Morphogenesis: Mechanisms and Mechanics of Cell Sheet Folding Inferred from
Developmental Variability
Pierre A. Haas, Stephanie Höhn, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Julius B. Kirkegaard, and Raymond E. Goldstein
PLOS Biology 16, e2005536 (2018)
[online at PLOS]
The Role of Tumbling Frequency and Persistence in Optimal Run-and-Tumble Chemotaxis
Julius B. Kirkegaard and Raymond E. Goldstein
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (John Blake Special Issue) 83, 700-719 (2018) [pdf] [online at IMAJAM]
Are Theoretical Results 'Results'?
Raymond E. Goldstein
eLife 7, e40018 (2018)
[online at eLife]
Why Clothes Don't Fall Apart: Tension Transmission in
Staple Yarns
Patrick B. Warren, Robin C. Ball, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 120, 158001 (2018)
[online at PRL]
Mutualism Between Microbial Populations in Structured Environments: The Role of Geometry in
Diffusive Exchanges
François J. Peaudecerf, Frederick Bunbury, Vaibhav Bhardwaj, Martin A. Bees,
Alison G. Smith, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Ottavio A. Croze
Physical Review E 97, 022411 (2018) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Spontaneous Oscillations of Elastic Filaments Induced by Molecular Motors
Gabriele De Canio, Eric Lauga, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14, 20170491 (2017) [pdf] [online at JRSI]
Localised Dynactin Protects Growing Microtubules to Deliver Oskar mRNA
to the Posterior Cortex of the Drosophila Oocyte
Ross Nieuwburg, Dmitry Nashchekin, Maximilian Jakobs, Andrew Carter, Philipp Khuc Trong,
Raymond E. Goldstein, and Daniel St Johnston
eLife 6, e27237 (2017) [pdf]
[online at eLife]
Scattering of Biflagellate Microswimmers from Surfaces
Enkeleida Lushi, Vasily Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 96, 023102 (2017) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Traces of Surfactants Can Severely Limit the Drag Reduction of Superhydrophobic Surfaces
François J. Peaudecerf, Julien R. Landel, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 114, 7254-7259 (2017) [pdf]
[online at PNAS]
Theory of Shape-Shifting Droplets
Pierre A. Haas, Raymond E. Goldstein, Stoyan K. Smoukov, Diana Cholakova, and Nikolai Denkov
Physical Review Letters 118, 088001 (2017) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Long-range Interactions, Wobbles and Phase Defects in Chains of Model Cilia
Douglas R. Brumley, Nicolas Bruot, Jurij Kotar, Raymond E. Goldstein, Pietro Cicuta, and Marco Polin
Physical Review Fluids 1, 081201(R) (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRFluids]
A Biology Journal Provides a Lesson in Peer Review
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics Today 69(12), 10 (2016) [pdf]
[online at Physics Today]
Aerotaxis in the Closest Relatives of Animals
Julius B. Kirkegaard, Ambre Bouillant, Alan O. Marron, Kyriacos C. Leptos, and Raymond E. Goldstein
eLife 5, e18109 (2016) [pdf]
[online at eLife]
The Evolution of Silicon Transport in Eukaryotes
Alan O. Marron, Sarah Ratcliffe, Glen L. Wheeler, Raymond E. Goldstein, Nicole King, Fabrice Not, Colomban de Vargas, and Daniel J. Richter
Molecular Biology and Evolution 33, 3226-3248 (2016) [pdf]
[online at MBE]
Elastohydrodynamic Synchronization of Adjacent Beating Flagella
Raymond E. Goldstein, Eric Lauga, Adriana I. Pesci, and Michael R.E. Proctor
Physical Review Fluids 1, 073201 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRFluids]
Filter-Feeding, Near-field Flows, and the Morphologies of Colonial Choanoflagellates
Julius B. Kirkegaard and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 94, 052401 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Soap-Film Dynamics and Topological Jumps Under Continuous Deformation (Invited)
H.K. Moffatt, Raymond E. Goldstein and Adriana I. Pesci
Physical Review Fluids 1, 060503 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRFluids]
Batchelor Prize Lecture: Fluid Dynamics at the Scale of the Cell
Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 807, 1-39 (2016)
[online at JFM]
A Model for the Effects of Germanium on Silica Biomineralization in Choanoflagellates
Alan O. Marron, Helen Chappell, Sarah Ratcliffe, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13, 20160485 (2016)
[online at JRSI]
Instabilities and Solitons in Minimal Strips
Thomas Machon, Gareth P. Alexander, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Adriana I. Pesci
Physical Review Letters 117, 017801 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Directed Collective Motion of Bacteria Under Channel Confinement
Hugo Wioland, Enkeleida Lushi, and Raymond E. Goldstein
New Journal of Physics 18, 075002 (2016)
[online at NJP]
Squirmers with Swirl - a model for Volvox Swimming
Timothy J. Pedley, Douglas R. Brumley, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 798, 165-186 (2016)
[online at JFM]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
[Video 4]
Coordinated Beating of Algal Flagella is Mediated by Basal Coupling
Kirsty Y. Wan and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113, E2784-93 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PNAS]
[narrated video]
Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Order in Bacterial Vortex Lattices
Hugo Wioland, Francis G. Woodhouse, Jörn Dunkel, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Nature Physics 12, 341-345 (2016) [pdf]
[online at NP]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
[Video 3]
[Video 4]
Motility of Colonial Choanoflagellates and the Statistics of Aggregate Random Walkers
Julius B. Kirkegaard, Alan O. Marron, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 116, 038102 (2016) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
[SI text]
[Video 1]
[Video 2]
Elasticity and Glocality: Initiation of Embryonic Inversion in Volvox
Pierre A. Haas and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150671 (2015)
[online at JRSI]
Cortical Microtubule Nucleation Can Organise the Cytoskeleton of
Drosophila Oocytes to Define the Anteroposterior Axis
Philipp Khuc Trong, Hélène Doerflinger, Jörn Dunkel, Daniel St. Johnston, and Raymond E. Goldstein
eLife 4, e06088 (2015) [pdf]
[online at eLife]
From Chemical Gardens to Chemobrionics
Laura M. Barge, Silvana S.S. Cardoso, Julyan H.E. Cartwright, Geoffrey J.T. Cooper, Leroy Cronin, Anne De Wit, Ivria J. Doloboff, Bruno Escribano, Raymond E. Goldstein, Florence Haudin, David E.H. Jones, Alan L. Mackay, Jerzy Maselko, Jason J. Pagano, J. Pantaleone, Michael J. Russell, C. Ignacio Sainz-Diaz, Oliver Steinbock, David A. Stone, Yoshifumi Tanimoto, and Noreen L. Thomas
Chemical Reviews 115, 8652-8703 (2015) [pdf]
[online at ChemRev]
Feeding Ducks, Bacterial Chemotaxis, and the Gini Index
François J. Peaudecerf and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 92, 022701 (2015) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Metachronal Waves in the Flagellar Beating of Volvox and Their Hydrodynamic Origin
Douglas R. Brumley, Marco Polin, Timothy J. Pedley, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20141358 (2015) [pdf]
[online at JRSI] [SI]
A Physical Perspective on Cytoplasmic Streaming (Invited)
Raymond E. Goldstein and Jan-Willem van de Meent
Interface Focus 5, 20150030 (2015) [pdf]
[online at Interface Focus]
Dynamics of a Volvox Embryo Turning Itself Inside Out
Stephanie Höhn, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Pierre A. Haas, Philipp Khuc Trong, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 114, 178101 (2015) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
[narrated video]
--See also Physics Viewpoint by A. Boudaoud, Physics 8, 39 (2015)
Instability of a Möbius Strip Minimal Surface and a Link with Systolic Geometry
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, Gareth P. Alexander, and H. Keith Moffatt
Physical Review Letters 114, 127801 (2015)
[online at PRL]
Green Algae as Model Organisms for Biological Fluid Dynamics
Raymond E. Goldstein
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 47, 343-375 (2015)
[online at ARFM]
Do Dissolving Objects Converge to a Universal Shape?
Elias Nakouzi, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Oliver Steinbock
Langmuir 31, 4145-4150 (2015) [pdf]
[online at Langmuir]
Rhythmicity, Recurrence, and Recovery of Flagellar Beating
Kirsty Y. Wan and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 113, 238103 (2014)
[online at PRL]
Flagellar Synchronization Through Direct Hydrodynamic Interactions
Douglas R. Brumley, Kirsty Y. Wan, Marco Polin, and Raymond E. Goldstein
eLife 3, e02750 (2014)
[online at eLife]
Instability of a Gravity Current Within a Soap Film
Raymond E. Goldstein, H.E. Huppert, H. Keith Moffatt, and Adriana I. Pesci
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 753, R1:1-11 (2014)
[online at JFM]
Fluid Flows Created by Swimming Bacteria Drive Self-Organization in Confined Suspensions
Enkeleida Lushi, Hugo Wioland, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111,
9733-9738 (2014) [pdf]
[online at PNAS]
Boundary Singularities Produced by the Motion of Soap Films
Raymond E. Goldstein, James McTavish, H. Keith Moffatt, and Adriana I. Pesci
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 8339-8344 (2014)
[online at PNAS]
Rheotaxis Facilitates Upstream Navigation of Mammalian Sperm Cells
Vasily Kantsler, Jörn Dunkel, Martyn Blayney, and Raymond E. Goldstein
eLife 3, e02403 (2014) [pdf]
[online at eLife
Lag, Lock, Sync, Slip: The Many 'Phases' of Coupled Flagella
Kirsty Y. Wan, Kyriacos C. Leptos, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11, 20131160 (2014) [pdf]
[online at JRSI]
Controlling Active Self-Assembly Through Broken Particle-Shape Symmetries
H.H. Wensink, V. Kantser, R.E. Goldstein, and J. Dunkel
Physical Review E: Rapid Communications 89, 010302(R) (2014) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
Antiphase Synchronization in a Flagellar-Dominance Mutant of Chlamydomonas
Kyriacos C. Leptos, Kirsty Y. Wan, Marco Polin, Idan Tuval, Adriana I. Pesci, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 111, 158101 (2013) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Plant Cells Emerges Naturally by Microfilament Self-Organization
Francis G. Woodhouse and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110, 14132-14137 (2013)
[online at PNAS]
Membrane Viscosity Determined From Shear-Driven Flow In Giant Vesicles
Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Francis G. Woodhouse, Vasily Kantsler, and
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 111, 038103 (2013)
[online at PRL]
Confinement Stabilizes a Bacterial Suspension into a Spiral Vortex
Hugo Wioland, Francis G. Woodhouse, Jörn Dunkel, John O. Kessler, and
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 110, 268102 (2013) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Fluid Dynamics of Bacterial Turbulence
Jörn Dunkel, Sebastian Heidenreich, Knut Drescher, Henricus H. Wensink,
Markus Bär, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 110, 228102 (2013)
[online at PRL]
--See also Physics Viewpoint by I. Aranson, Physics 6, 61 (2013)
Minimal Continuum Theories of Structure Formation in Dense Active Fluids
Jörn Dunkel, Sebastian Heidenreich, Markus Bär, and
Raymond E. Goldstein
New Journal of Physics 15, 045016 (2013)
[online at NJP]
A General Allometric and Life-History Model for Cellular Differentiation
in the Transition to Multicellularity
Cristian A. Solari, John O. Kessler and Raymond E. Goldstein
American Naturalist 181, 369-380 (2013)
[online at AmNat]
Ciliary Contact Interactions Dominate Surface Scattering of Swimming Eukaryotes
Vasily Kantsler, Jörn Dunkel, Marco Polin, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110, 1187-1192 (2013)
[online at PNAS]
Swimming Like Algae: Biomimetic Soft Artificial Cilia
Sina Sareh, Jonathan Rossiter, Andrew Conn, Knut Drescher, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10, 20120666 (2013)
[online at JRSI]
Hydrodynamic Synchronization and Metachronal Waves on the Surface
of the Colonial Alga Volvox carteri
Douglas R. Brumley, Marco Polin, Timothy J. Pedley, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 109, 268102 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
--See also Physics Synopsis
by M. Rini
Collective Chemotactic Dynamics in the Presence of Self-Generated Fluid Flows
Enkeleida Lushi, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Michael J. Shelley
Physical Review E: Rapid Communications 86, 040902(R) (2012)
[online at PRE]
Spontaneous Circulation of Confined Active Suspensions
Francis G. Woodhouse and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 109, 168105 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
--See also Physics Focus by P. Ball, Physics 5, 117 (2012)
Cytoplasmic Streaming in Drosophila Oocytes
Varies with Kinesin Activity and Correlates With the Microtubule Cytoskeleton Architecture
Sujoy Ganguly, Lucy S. Williams, Isabel M. Palacios, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109, 15109-15114 (2012)
[online at PNAS]
Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids
Henricus H. Wensink, Jörn Dunkel, Sebastian Heidenreich, Knut Drescher, Raymond E. Goldstein,
Hartmut Löwen, and Julia M. Yeomans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109,
14308-14313 (2012)
[online at PNAS]
Dance of the Microswimmers
Eric Lauga and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics Today 65, 30-35 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PT]
Topological Constraints and Their Breakdown in Dynamical Evolution
Raymond E. Goldstein, H. Keith Moffatt, and Adriana I. Pesci
Nonlinearity 25, R85-R98 (2012) [pdf]
[online at Nonlinearity]
Shear-Driven Circulation
Patterns in Lipid Membrane Vesicles
Francis G. Woodhouse and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 705, 165-175 (2012)
[online at JFM]
Coupling of Active Motion and Advection Shapes Intracellular Cargo Transport
Philipp Khuc Trong, Jochen Guck, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 109, 028104 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
A Ratchet Trap for
Leidenfrost Drops
Thomas R. Cousins, Raymond E. Goldstein, Justin W. Jaworski, and Adriana I. Pesci
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 696, 215-227 (2012) [pdf]
[online at JFM]
Shape of a Ponytail and
the Statistical Physics of Hair Fiber Bundles
Raymond E. Goldstein, Patrick B. Warren, and Robin C. Ball
Physical Review Letters 108, 078101 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Fluctuations, Dynamics, and the Stretch-Coil Transition of Single Actin Filaments in Extensional Flows
Vasily Kantsler and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 108, 038103 (2012) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Emergence of Synchronized Beating
During the Regrowth of Eukaryotic Flagella
Raymond E. Goldstein, Marco Polin, and Idan Tuval
Physical Review Letters 107, 148103 (2011) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Insights into the Evolution of Vitamin
B12 Auxotrophy from Sequenced Algal Genomes
Katherine E. Helliwell, Glen L. Wheeler, Kyriacos C. Leptos, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Alison G. Smith
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28, 2921-2933 (2011)
[online at MBE]
Flagellar Phenotypic Plasticity of Volvocalean Algae
Correlates with Péclet Number
Cristian A. Solari, Knut Drescher, Sujoy Ganguly, John O. Kessler, Richard E. Michod,
and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8, 1409-1417 (2011)
[online at JRSI]
Fluid Dynamics and Noise in
Bacterial Cell-Cell and Cell-Surface Scattering
Knut Drescher, Jörn Dunkel, Luis H. Cisneros, Sujoy Ganguly, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108, 10940-10945 (2011)
[online at PNAS]
Dynamics of Swimming Bacteria: Transition to
Directional Order at High Concentration
Luis H. Cisneros, John O. Kessler, Sujoy Ganguly, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 83, 061907 (2011) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
The Flagellar Photoresponse in Volvox Species (Volvocaceae,
Cristian A. Solari, Knut Drescher, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Phycology 47, 580-583 (2011)
[online at JPhycology]
Growth and Instability of a Laminar Plume
in a Strongly Stratified Environment
Matteo Lombardi, Colm P. Caulfield, Carlo P. Cossu, Adriana I. Pesci, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 671, 184-206 (2011)
[online at JFM]
Soap-Film Möbius Strip Changes Topology
With a Twist Singularity
Raymond E. Goldstein, H. Keith Moffatt, Adriana I. Pesci, and Renzo L. Ricca
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 21979-21984 (2010)
[online at PNAS]
Fluid Velocity Fluctuations in a Suspension
of Swimming Protists
Ilia Rushkin, Vasily Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 105, 188101 (2010) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Direct Measurement of the Flow Field
Around Swimming Microorganisms
Knut Drescher, Raymond E. Goldstein, Nicolas Michel, Marco Polin, and Idan Tuval
Physical Review Letters 105, 168101 (2010)
[online at PRL]
--See also Viewpoint by D. Saintillan, Physics 3, 84 (2010)
Fidelity of Adaptive Phototaxis
Knut Drescher, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Idan Tuval
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 11171-11176 (2010)
[online at PNAS]
Cytoplasmic Streaming Enables the
Distribution of Molecules and Vesicles in Large Plant Cells
Jeanmarie Verchot-Lubicz and Raymond E. Goldstein
Protoplasma 240, 99-107 (2010) [pdf]
[online at Protoplasma]
On the Mechanisms of Icicle Evolution
Jerome. A. Neufeld, Raymond E. Goldstein, and M. Grae Worster
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 647, 287-308 (2010) [pdf]
[online at JFM]
Measurement of Cytoplasmic Streaming in
Single Plant Cells by Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry
Jan-Willem van de Meent, Andy J. Sederman, Lynn F. Gladden, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 642, 5-14 (2010)
[online at JFM]
--See also Focus on Fluids article, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 642, 1-4 (2010) [pdf]
Dynamics of Enhanced Tracer Diffusion in
Suspensions of Swimming Eukaryotic Microorganisms
Kyriacos C. Leptos, Jeffrey S. Guasto, J.P. Gollub, Adriana I. Pesci, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 103, 198103 (2009)
[online at PRL]
Noise and Synchronization in Pairs of Beating
Eukaryotic Flagella
Raymond E. Goldstein, Marco Polin, and Idan Tuval
Physical Review Letters 103, 168103 (2009) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Enhanced Mixing and Spatial
Instability in Concentrated Bacterial Suspensions
Andrey Sokolov, Raymond E. Goldstein, Felix I. Feldchtein, and Igor S. Aranson
Physical Review E 80, 031903 (2009) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
--See also Physical Review Focus story [here]
Chlamydomonas Swims With Two `Gears' in a Eukaryotic
Version of Run-and-Tumble Locomotion
Marco Polin, Idan Tuval, Knut Drescher, J.P. Gollub, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Science 325, 487-490 (2009)
[Supplementary Material]
[online at Science]
--See also Perspective by R. Stocker and W.M. Durham, Science 325, 400-402 (2009) [pdf]
The Elastic Basis for the
Shape of Borrelia burgdorferi
Christopher Dombrowski, Wanxi Kan, Md. Abdul Motaleb, Nyles W. Charon, Raymond E. Goldstein
and Charles W. Wolgemuth
Biophysical Journal 96, 4409-4417 (2009)
[online at BJ]
Dancing Volvox: Hydrodynamic Bound States of
Swimming Algae
Knut Drescher, Kyriacos Leptos, Idan Tuval, Takuji Ishikawa, Timothy J. Pedley, and
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 102, 168101 (2009) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
How to Track Protists in Three Dimensions
Knut Drescher, Kyriacos Leptos, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 014301 (2009) [pdf]
[online at RSI]
Volvox barberi, the Fastest Swimmer of the
Volvocales (Chlorophyceae)
Cristian A. Solari, Richard E. Michod, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Phycology 44, 1395-1398 (2008) [pdf]
[online at JPhyc]
Nature's Microfluidic Transporter: Rotational
Cytoplasmic Streaming at High Péclet Numbers
Jan-Willem van de Meent, Idan Tuval, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 101, 178102 (2008) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
--See also Viewpoint by T. Squires, Physics 1, 30 (2008) [pdf]
Microfluidics of Cytoplasmic Streaming and
its Implications for Intracellular Transport
Raymond E. Goldstein, Idan Tuval, and Jan-Willem van de Meent
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105, 3663-3667 (2008) [pdf]
[online at PNAS]
--See also highlight by R.H. Austin, HFSP Journal 2, 262-265 (2008) [pdf]
Fluid Dynamics of Self-Propelled Micro-organisms,
From Individuals to Concentrated Populations
Luis H. Cisneros, Ricardo Cortez, Christopher Dombrowski, Raymond E. Goldstein, and John O. Kessler
Experiments in Fluids 43, 737-753 (2007) [pdf]
[online at EiF]
Motility, Mixing,
and Multicellularity
Cristian A. Solari, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 8, 115-129 (2007)
[online at GPEM]
Concentration Dependence of the Collective Dynamics of Swimming Bacteria
Andrey Sokolov, Igor S. Aranson, Raymond E. Goldstein, and John O. Kessler
Physical Review Letters 98, 158102 (2007) [pdf]
[online at PRL]
Model for Dynamical Coherence in Thin Films of Self-Propelled
Igor S. Aranson, Andrey Sokolov, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E: Rapid Communications 75, 040901 (2007) [pdf]
[online at PRE]
The Flagellar Cytoskeleton of
the Spirochetes
Charles W. Wolgemuth, Nyles W. Charon, Stuart F. Goldstein, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 11, 221-227 (2006) [pdf]
A Free-Boundary Theory for the Shape of the Ideal Dripping Icicle
Martin B. Short, James C. Baygents, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics of Fluids 18, 083101 (2006) [pdf]
Dynamic Buckling of Morphoelastic
Raymond E. Goldstein and Alain Goriely
Physical Review E: Rapid Communications 74, 010901 (2006) [pdf]
Flows Driven by Flagella of
Multicellular Organisms Enhance Long-Range Molecular Transport
Martin B. Short, Cristian A. Solari, Sujoy Ganguly, Thomas R. Powers, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 8315-8319 (2006) [pdf]
Reversal of Bacterial Locomotion
at an Obstacle
Luis Cisneros, Christopher Dombrowski, Raymond E. Goldstein and John O. Kessler
Physical Review E: Rapid Communications 73, 030901(R) (2006) [pdf]
Multicellularity and the Functional Interdependence of Motility and Molecular Transport
Cristian A. Solari, Sujoy Ganguly, John O. Kessler, Richard E. Michod,
and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103, 1353-1358 (2006) [pdf]
Hermitization and the Poisson Bracket-Commutator Correspondence as a Consequence
of Averaging
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Hermann Uys
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39, 789-803 (2006) [pdf]
Precipitative Growth Templated
by a Fluid Jet
David A. Stone, Braddon Lewellyn, James C. Baygents, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Langmuir 21, 10916-10919 (2005) [pdf]
Entrainment, and Hydrodynamic Coupling of Decelerated
Fluid Jets
Christopher Dombrowski, Braddon Lewellyn, Adriana I. Pesci, Juan M.
Restrepo, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 95, 184501 (2005) [pdf]
Stalactite Growth as a Free-Boundary
Martin B. Short, James C. Baygents, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics of Fluids 17, 083101 (2005) [pdf]
Boundary Layer Model for Vortex-Fingers
in Type II Superconductors
Chiara Baggio, Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, and Wim van Saarloos
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 72, 060503 (2005) [pdf]
Teaching Biological Physics
Raymond E. Goldstein, Philip C. Nelson, and Thomas R. Powers
Physics Today 58(3), 46-51 (2005) [pdf]
Bacterial Swimming
and Oxygen Transport Near Contact Lines
Idan Tuval, Luis Cisneros, Christopher Dombrowski, Charles W.
Wolgemuth, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102, 2277-2282 (2005) [pdf]
Stalactite Growth as a Free-Boundary Problem: A
Geometric Law and its Platonic Ideal
Martin B. Short, James C. Baygents, J. Warren Beck, David A. Stone,
Rickard S. Toomey, III, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 94, 018501 (2005) [pdf]
Mapping of the Relativistic
Kinetic Balance Equations onto the
Klein-Gordon and Second-Order Dirac Equations
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Hermann Uys
Nonlinearity 18, 1295-1304 (2005) [pdf]
Mapping of the Classical Kinetic
Balance Equations onto the Pauli Equation
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Hermann Uys
Nonlinearity 18, 227-235 (2005) [pdf]
Mapping of the Classical Kinetic
Balance Equations onto the Schrödinger Equation
Adriana I. Pesci and Raymond E. Goldstein
Nonlinearity 18, 211-226 (2005) [pdf]
Self-Concentration and Large-Scale
Coherence in Bacterial Dynamics
Christopher Dombrowski, Luis Cisneros, Sunita Chatkaew, John O.
Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 93, 098103 (2004) [pdf]
Tubular Precipitation and Redox
Gradients on a Bubbling Template
David A. Stone and Raymond E. Goldstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101,
11537 (2004) [pdf]
Dynamic Supercoiling Bifurcations
of Growing Elastic Filaments
Charles W. Wolgemuth, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Thomas R. Powers
Physica D 190, 266
(2004) [pdf]
Inertially-Driven Buckling and
Overturning of Jets in a Hele-Shaw Cell
Adriana I. Pesci, Martin A. Porter, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 68, 056305 (2003) [pdf]
Quantum Necking in Stressed
Metallic Nanowires
Jerome Burki, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Charles A. Stafford
Physical Review Letters 91,
254501 (2003) [pdf]
Periodic Chirality Transformations
Propagating on Bacterial Flagella
Daniel Coombs, Greg Huber, John O. Kessler, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 89, 118102 (2002) [pdf]
Fluid-Membrane Tethers: Minimal
Surfaces and Elastic Boundary Layers
Thomas R. Powers, Greg Huber, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review E 65, 041901 (2002) [pdf]
cAMP WAves in Dictyostelium
Kyoung J. Lee, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Edward C. Cox
Nonlinearity 15, C1-C5 (2002) [pdf]
Resetting Waveforms in Dictyostelium
Kyoung J. Lee, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Edward C. Cox
Physical Review Letters 87, 068101 (2001) [pdf]
Quantum Suppression of the
Rayleigh Instability in Nanowires
Frank Kassubek, Charles A. Stafford, Hermann Grabert, and Raymond E.
Nonlinearity 14, 167-177 (2001) [pdf]
Bistable Helices
Raymond E. Goldstein, Alain Goriely, Greg Huber, and Charles W.
Physical Review Letters 84, 1631-1634 (2000) [pdf]
Chiral Self-Propulsion of Growing
Bacterial Macrofibers on a Solid Surface
Neil H. Mendelson, Joelle E. Sarlls, Charles W. Wolgemuth, and Raymond
E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 84, 1627-1630 (2000) [pdf]
Twirling and Whirling: Dynamics of
Rotationally Forced Elastic Filaments
Charles W. Wolgemuth, Thomas R. Powers, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 84, 1623-1626 (2000) [pdf]
Domain of Convergence of
Perturbative Solutions for Hele-Shaw Flow Near Interface Collapse
Adriana I. Pesci, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Michael J. Shelley
Physics of Fluids 11, 2809-2811 (1999) [pdf]
Instabilities and Singularities in
Hele-Shaw Flow
Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, and Michael J. Shelley
Physics of Fluids 10, 2701 (1998) [pdf]
Viscous Nonlinear Dynamics of
Twist and Writhe
Raymond E. Goldstein, Thomas R. Powers, and Chris H. Wiggins
Physical Review Letters 80, 5232 (1998) [pdf]
Propagation of a Topological
Transition: the Rayleigh Instability
Thomas R. Powers, Dengfu Zhang, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Howard A.
Physics of Fluids 10, 1052 (1998) [pdf]
Flexive and Propulsive Dynamics of
Elastica at Low Reynolds Numbers
Chris H. Wiggins and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 80, 3879 (1998) [pdf]
The Shapes of Flux Domains in the
Intermediate State of Type-I Superconductors
Alan T. Dorsey and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review B 57, 3058 (1998) [pdf]
Trapping and Wiggling:
Elastohydrodynamics of Driven Microfilaments
Chris H. Wiggins, Daniel X. Riveline, Albrecht Ott, and Raymond E.
Biophysical Journal 74, 1043 (1998) [pdf]
Selection for Spiral Waves in the
Social Amoebae Dictyostelium
Eirikur Palsson, Kyoung J. Lee, Raymond E. Goldstein, Jakob Franke,
Richard H. Kessin, and Edward C. Cox
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94, 13719
(1997) [pdf]
Elastohydrodynamic Study of Actin
Filaments Using Fluorescence Microscopy
D. Riveline, C.H. Wiggins, R.E. Goldstein, and A. Ott
Physical Review E 56, 1330 (1997) [pdf]
Pearling and Pinching: Propagation
of Rayleigh Instabilities
Thomas R. Powers and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 78, 2555 (1997) [pdf]
Biotechnology at Low Reynolds
James P. Brody, Paul Yaeger, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Robert H. Austin
Biophysical Journal 71, 3430 (1996) [pdf]
Traveling-Wave Chemotaxis
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 77, 775 (1996) [pdf]
Current-Loop Model for the
Intermediate State of Type-I Superconductors
Raymond E. Goldstein, David P. Jackson, and Alan T. Dorsey
Physical Review Letters 76, 3818 (1996) [pdf]
Front Propagation in the Pearling
Instability of Tubular Vesicles
Raymond E. Goldstein, Philip Nelson, Thomas Powers, and Udo Seifert
Journal de Physique 6, 767 (1996) [pdf]
Hydrodynamics of Monolayer Domains
at the Air-Water Interface
David K. Lubensky and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics of Fluids 8, 843 (1996) [pdf]
Interface Proliferation and the
Growth of Labyrinths in a Reaction-Diffusion System
Raymond E. Goldstein, Dean M. Petrich, and David J. Muraki
Physical Review E 53, 3933 (1996) [pdf]
Competing Patterns of Signaling
Activity in Dictyostelium discoideum
Kyoung J. Lee, Edward C. Cox, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 76, 1174 (1996) [pdf]
Nonlinear Dynamics of Stiff
Raymond E. Goldstein and Stephan A. Langer
Physical Review Letters 75, 1094 (1995) [pdf]
Attracting Manifold for a Viscous
Topology Transition
Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, and Michael J. Shelley
Physical Review Letters 75, 3665 (1995) [pdf]
Domain Shape Relaxation and the
Spectrum of Thermal Fluctuations in Langmuir Monolayers
Raymond E. Goldstein and David P. Jackson
Journal of Physical Chemistry 98, 9626 (1994) [pdf]
Hydrodynamics of Fingering
Instabilities in Dipolar Fluids
David P. Jackson, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Andrejs O. Cebers
Physical Review E 50, 298 (1994) [pdf]
Nonlocal Contour Dynamics Model
for Chemical Front Motion
Dean M. Petrich and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 72, 1120 (1994) [pdf]
Labyrinthine Pattern Formation in
Magnetic Fluids
Akiva J. Dickstein, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Raymond E. Goldstein, David
P. Jackson, and Stephen A. Langer
Science 261, 1012 (1993)
Finite-Time Singularity Formation
in Hele-Shaw Systems
Todd F. Dupont, Raymond E. Goldstein, Leo P. Kadanoff, and Su-Min Zhou, Physical
Review E 47, 4182 (1993)
Droplet Breakup in a Model of the
Hele-Shaw Cell
Peter Constantin, Todd F. Dupont, Raymond E. Goldstein, Leo P.
Kadanoff, Michael J. Shelley, and Su-Min Zhou
Physical Review E 47, 4169 (1993)
Topology Transitions and
Singularities in Viscous Flows
Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, and Michael J. Shelley
Physical Review Letters 70, 3043 (1993)
Dynamics of Labyrinthine Pattern
Formation in Magnetic Fluids
Stephen A. Langer, Raymond E. Goldstein, and David P. Jackson
Physical Review A 46, 4894 (1992)
Solitons, Euler's Equation, and
Vortex Patch Dynamics
Raymond E. Goldstein and Dean M. Petrich
Physical Review Letters 69, 555 (1992)
The Internal Dynamics of DNA
Probed by Transient Electric Birefringence
Mi K. Hong, Onuttom Narayan, Raymond E. Goldstein, Erramilli
Shyamsunder, Robert H. Austin, Daniel S. Fisher, and Michael Hogan
Physical Review Letters 68, 1430 (1992)
Comment on: Rectilinear Diameters
and Extended Corresponding States Theory
John R. de Bruyn and Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Chemical Physics 95, 9424 (1991)
The Korteweg-de-Vries Hierarchy as
Dynamics of Closed Curves in the Plane
Raymond E. Goldstein and Dean M. Petrich
Physical Review Letters 67, 3203 (1991)
Hydrodynamic and Interfacial
Patterns with Broken Space-Time Symmetry
Raymond E. Goldstein, Gemunu H. Gunaratne, Lionel Gil, and Pierre
Physical Review A 43, 6700 (1991)
Thermodynamics of Rough Colloidal
Raymond E. Goldstein, Thomas C. Halsey, and Michael W. Leibig
Physical Review Letters 66, 1551 (1991)
Geometrical and Topological
Aspects of Electric Double Layers Near Curved Surfaces
Bertrand Duplantier, Raymond E. Goldstein, Victor Romero-Rochin, and
Adriana I. Pesci
Physical Review Letters 65, 508 (1990)
Defects and Traveling-Wave States
in Hydrodynamic Systems with Broken Parity
Raymond E. Goldstein, Gemunu H. Gunaratne, and Lionel Gil
Physical Review A 41, 5731 (1990)
Electric Double Layers Near
Modulated Surfaces
Raymond E. Goldstein, Adriana I. Pesci, and Victor Romero-Rochin
Physical Review A 41, 5504 (1990)
Stretched-Exponential Relaxation
of Birefringence in Dilute Polymer Solutions
Vittorio Degiorgio, Tomaso Bellini, Roberto Piazza, Fracesco
Montegazza, and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 64, 1043 (1990)
Transitions of Modulated Patterns in Hydrodynamic Systems
Pierre Coullet, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
Physical Review Letters 63, 1954 (1989)
Pseudoatoms in Metallic Fluids
Raymond E. Goldstein, Alberto Parola, and Arthur P. Smith
Journal of Chemical Physics 91, 1843 (1989)
Structural Phase
Transitions of Interacting Membranes
Raymond E. Goldstein and Stanlislas Leibler
Physical Review A 40, 1025 (1989)
Continuum Theory
of Critical Phenomena in Polymer Solutions. Formalism and Mean
Field Approximation
Raymond E. Goldstein and Binny J. Cherayil
Journal of Chemical Physics 90, 7448 (1989)
Asymmetry at the Critical Point
Raymond E. Goldstein and Alberto Parola
Accounts of Chemical Research 22, 77 (1989)
Model for
Lamellar Phases of Interacting Lipid Membranes
Raymond E. Goldstein and Stanislas Leibler
Physical Review Letters 61, 2213 (1988)
Relaxation of Birefringence in a Critical Binary Mixture
Roberto Piazza, Tomaso Bellini, Vittorio Degiorgio, Raymond E.
Goldstein, Stanlislas Leibler, and Reinhard Lipowsky
Physical Review B 38, 7223 (1988)
Particle-Hole Symmetry in Critical Fluids
Raymond E. Goldstein and Alberto Parola
Journal of Chemical Physics 88, 7059 (1988)
Revised Scaling
Variables in Systems with Many-Body Interactions
Raymond E. Goldstein and Alberto Parola
Physical Review A 35, 4770 (1987)
Interactions, Scaling Variables, and Singular Diameters in the
Coexistence Curves of Fluids
Martin W. Pestak, Raymond E. Goldstein, Moses H.W. Chan, John R.
deBruyn, David A. Balzarini, and
Neil W. Ashcroft
Physical Review B 36, 599 (1987)
Beyond the
Pair-Potential Model of Fluids at the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point
Raymond E. Goldstein, Alberto Parola, Neil W. Ashcroft, Martin W.
Pestak, Moses H.W. Chan, John R. deBruyn, and David A. Balzarini
Physical Review Letters 58, 41 (1987)
Model for Phase
Equilibria in Micellar Solutions of Nonionic Surfactants
Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Chemical Physics 84, 3367 (1986)
[online at JCP]
Origin of the
Singular Diameter in the Coexistence Curve of a Metal
Raymond E. Goldstein and Neil W. Ashcroft
Physical Review Letters 55, 2164 (1985)
[online at PRL]
Asymmetric Coexistence Curves and the Singular Diameter
James S. Walker and Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics Letters 112A, 53 (1985)
[online at PLA]
Functions and Critical Properties from a Cluster-Decimation Approximation
Raymond E. Goldstein and James S. Walker
Journal of Physics A 18, 1275 (1985)
[online at JPA]
Theory of Multiply Reentrant Solubility
Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 1246 (1985)
[online at JCP]
Potts Model for
Solvent Effects on Polymer Conformation
Raymond E. Goldstein
Physics Letters 104A, 285 (1984)
[online at PLA]
On the Theory of
Lower Critical Solution Points in Hydrogen-Bonded Mixtures
Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Chemical Physics 80, 5340 (1984)
[online at JCP]
Effects on Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding from a Lattice Gas Theory for
Lower Critical Solution Points:
Comparisons with
Experiments on Aqueous Solutions of Alkylpyridines
Raymond E. Goldstein
Journal of Chemical Physics 79, 4439 (1983)
[online at JCP]
Theory of Multiple
Phase Separations in Binary Mixtures: Phase Diagrams, Thermodynamic
Properties, and Comparisons with Experiments
Raymond E. Goldstein and James S. Walker
Journal of Chemical Physics 78, 1492 (1983)
[online at JCP]