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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Publications• RZ Wang, JS Cummins, M Syed, N Stroev, G Pastras, J Sakellariou, S Tsintzos, A Askitopoulos, D Veraldi, M Calvanese Strinati, S Gentilini, D Pierangeli, C Conti, NG Berloff “Efficient computation using spatial-photonic Ising machines with low-rank and circulant matrix constraints”, Communications Physics, 8, 86 (2025) • D Veraldi, D Pierangeli, S Gentilini, MC Strinati, J Sakellariou, JS Cummins, A Kamaletdinov, M Syed, RZ Wang, NG Berloff, D Karanikolopoulos, PG Savvidis, C Conti “Fully Programmable Spatial Photonic Ising Machine by Focal Plane Division, ”Physical review letters, 134, 063802 (2025) • JS Cummins, H Salman, NG Berloff “Ising Hamiltonian minimization: Gain-based computing with manifold reduction of soft spins vs quantum annealing”, Physical Review Research 7, 013150 (2025) • N Stroev, NG Berloff, N Davidson “Benchmarking the optimization of optical machines with the planted solutions,” Communications Physics 7, 374 (2024) A. Johnston and N.G. Berloff, Macroscopic noise amplification by asymmetric dyads in Non-Hermitian Optical Systems for generative diffusion models, Phys. Rev. Letters, 132, 096901 (2024) A. Johnston and N.G. Berloff, Supplemental Information to "Macroscopic noise amplification by asymmetric dyads in Non-Hermitian Optical Systems for generative diffusion models" (2024) James S Cummins, Hayder Salman, Natalia G Berloff, Gain-Based Computing with Manifold Reduction of Soft-Spins vs Quantum Annealing in Ising Hamiltonian Minimization (2023) James S Cummins, Hayder Salman, Natalia G Berloff, Supplementary information: Gain-Based Computing with Manifold Reduction of Soft-Spins vs Quantum Annealing in Ising Hamiltonian Minimization (2023) Marvin Syed, Kirill Kalinin, Natalia G Berloff, Beyond Digital: Harnessing Analog Hardware for Machine Learning, NeurIPS (2023) N. Stroev, N.G. Berloff, N. Davidson, Benchmarking the optimisation optical machines with the planted solutions, (2023) N. Stroev, N.G. Berloff, Analog Photonics Computing for Information Processing, Inference, and Optimization, Adv Quantum Technol. 6, 2300055 (2023) Kirill P. Kalinin, George Mourgias-Alexandris, Hitesh Ballani, Natalia G Berloff, James H Clegg, Daniel Cletheroe, Christos Gkantsidis, Istvan Haller, Vassily Lyutsarev, Francesca Parmigiani, Lucinda Pickup, Antony Rowstron "Analog Iterative Machine (AIM): using light to solve quadratic optimization problems with mixed variables," arXiv:2304.1259 Marvin Syed and Natalia G. Berloff, "Physics-Enhanced Bifurcation Optimisers: All You Need is a Canonical Complex Network," IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 29,2, (2023) L. Q. English, A. V. Zampetaki, K. P. Kalinin, N. G. Berloff and P. G. Kevrekidis "An Ising machine based on networks of subharmonic electrical resonators," Communications Physics,5, 333 (2022) Samuel Alperin and Natalia G Berloff "Emergence and Ordering of Polygonal Breathers in Polariton Condensates," Physical Review Letters, 129 , 015301 (2022) Kirill P. Kalinin and Natalia G. Berloff "Complexity continuum within Ising formulation of NP problems," Communications Physics, 5:20 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00792-0 Airat Kamaletdinov and Natalia G. Berloff "Quantized Vortices Mediated Annealing," arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.05867 (2021) Kirill P. Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Large-scale Sustainable Search on Unconventional Computing Hardware" arXiv:2104.02553 (2021) Nikita Stroev and Natalia G. Berloff "Neural network architectures based on the classical XY model," Physical Review B 104, 205435 (2021) Tamsin Cookson, Kirill Kalinin, Helgi Sigurdsson, Julian D Töpfer, Sergey Alyatkin, Matteo Silva, Wolfgang Langbein, Natalia G Berloff, Pavlos G Lagoudakis "Geometric frustration in polygons of polariton condensates creating vortices of varying topological charge," Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-11 (2021) Samuel N. Alperin and Natalia G. Berloff "Multiply charged vortex states of polariton condensates," Optica, 8(3), 301-307 (2021) arXiv:2001.10314. N.Stroev and N.G.Berloff "Discrete Polynomial Optimization with Coherent Networks of Condensates and Complex Coupling Switching," arxiv:1910.00842 Physical Review Letters, 126, 050504 (2021). N.Stroev and N.G.Berloff "Discrete Polynomial Optimization with Coherent Networks of Condensates and Complex Coupling Switching. Supplemental Material." Alexander Johnston, Kirill P. Kalinin, and N. G. Berloff "Artificial Polariton Molecules," Physical Review B Letter, 103 , L060507 (2021). N.Stroev and N.G.Berloff "Managing Flow of Liquid Light" arXiv:2003.11532, Physical Review B 102, 201114(R) (2020) K.P.Kalinin, Alberto Amo, Jacqueline Bloch and Natalia G. Berloff "Polaritonic XY-Ising Machine," Nanophotonics 9(13): 4127-4138, (2020) KP Kalinin, S Alyatkin, PG Lagoudakis, A Askitopoulos, NG Berloff, "Simulating the spectral gap with polariton graphs," Physical Review B 102, 180303(R) (2020) K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Nonlinear systems for unconventional computing," "Emergent Frontiers in Nonlinear Science" ed. Kevrikidis, Cuevas-Maraver, Saxena" Springer (2020) ISBN 978-3-030-44992-6 K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Towards Arbitrary Control of Lattice Interactions in Nonequilibrium Condensates," Advanced Quantum Technologies, 3(2), 1900065 (2020) S.N.Alperin and N.G. Berloff "Formation and Dynamics of Quantum Hydrodynamical Breathing Ring Solitons,"> Physical Review A (Rapid Communications), 102, 031304(R) (2020) K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Polaritonic network as a paradigm for dynamics of coupled oscillators," Physical Review B, 100, 245306 (2019) K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Global optimization of spin Hamiltonians with gain-dissipative systems," Scientific Reports, 8,17791 (2018) K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Simulating Ising and n-state planar Potts models and external fields with non-equilibrium condensates," Physical Review Letters, 121, 235302 (2018) K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff "Networks of non-equilibrium condensates for global optimization" New Journal of Physics, 20 113023 (2018)
K.P.Kalinin and N.G.Berloff, "Blockchain platform with proof-of-work based on analog Hamiltonian optimisers," arXiv:1802.10091 (2018) K. Kalinin, P.G. Lagoudakis, N.G. Berloff "Matter wave coupling of spatially separated and unequally pumped polariton condensates," Phys. Rev. B, 97, 094512 (2018) L. Pickup, K. Kalinin, A. Askitopoulos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, P.G. Lagoudakis, "Optical bistability under non-resonant excitation in spinor polariton condensates," Physical Review Letters, 120, 225301 (2018) K.Kalinin, P.G. Lagoudakis, and N.G.Berloff, "Simulating the spectral gap with polariton graphs,", in review by Phys. Rev. Letts. arXiv:1709.04683 (2017) K.Kalinin, P.G. Lagoudakis, and N.G.Berloff, "Exotic states of matter with polariton chains," Phys. Rev. B 97, 161101(R) (2018) P.G.Lagoudakis and N.G. Berloff, "A Polariton Graph Simulator" New Journal of Physics, 19, 125008 (2017) K.Kalinin, M. Silva, J. D. Topfer, W. Langbein, N.G. Berloff, and P.G. Lagoudakis, "Giant vortices of controlled multiplicity in polariton lattices", arXiv:1710.03451, in review by Nature Physics (2017) T Cookson, K Georgiou, A Zasedatelev, R T. Grant, T Virgili, M Cavazzini, F. Galeotti, C. Clark, N. G. Berloff, D. G. Lidzey, and Pavlos G. Lagoudakis "A Yellow Polariton Condensate in a Dye Filled Microcavity", Adv. Optical Mater. 1700203 (2017) Natalia G. Berloff, Matteo Silva, Kirill Kalinin, Alexis Askitopoulos, Julian D. Töpfer, Pasquale Cilibrizzi, Wolfgang Langbein and Pavlos G. Lagoudakis "Realizing the classical XY Hamiltonian in polariton simulators," Nature Materials 16 (11) 1120 (2017) H.Salman, N.G.Berloff, and S.O. Demokritov, "Microscopic Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons at Room Temperature," "Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation", Cambridge University Press, 2017 I.A. Pshenichnyuk and N.G. Berloff "Inelastic scattering of xenon atoms by quantized vortices in superfluids," Phys. Rev. B 94, 184505 (2016) H. Ohadi, R. L. Gregory, T. Freegarde, Y. G. Rubo, A. V. Kavokin, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis, "Nontrivial phase coupling in polariton multiplets," Phys. Rev. X 6, 031032 (2016) A. Askitopoulos, K. Kalinin, T.C.H.Liew, P. Cilibrizzi, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, N. G. Berloff, and P. G. Lagoudakis, "Nonresonant optical control of a spinor polariton condensate" Phys. Rev. B 93, 205307, (2016) Gabriel Christmann, Guilherme Tosi, Natalia G Berloff, Panagiotis Tsotsis, Peter S Eldridge, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Pavlos G Savvidis, Jeremy J Baumberg "Oscillatory solitons and time-resolved phase locking of two polariton condensates," New Journal of Physics, 16 (10), 103039 (2014) A Dreismann, P Cristofolini, R Balili, G Christmann, F Pinsker, N G Berloff, Z Hatzopoulos, P G Savvidis, J. J. Baumberg, "Coupled counter-rotating polariton condensates in optically defined annular potentials", 111(24):8770-5 Proceedings of National Academy of Siences, USA (2014) N.G.Berloff, Marc Brachet, and N. Proukakis "Modeling quantum fluid dynamics at nonzero temperatures", 111, 4675--4682, Proceedings of National Academy of Siences, USA (2014) F. Pinsker and N.G. Berloff, "Transitions and excitations in a superfluid stream passing small impurities," 89, 053605, Physical Review A, arXiv:1401.1517 (2014) F. Pinsker, N.G.Berloff and V. Perez-Garcia, "Nonlinear quantum piston for the controlled generation of vortex rings and soliton trains," Physical Review A, 87(5), 053624, 2013. P. Cristofolini, A. Dreismann, G. Christmann, G. Franchetti, N.G. Berloff, P. Tsotsis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, J.J. Baumberg "Optical superfluid phase transitions and trapping of polariton condensates, " Physical Review Letters, 110 , 186403 (2013). G. Franchetti, N.G. Berloff, J.J. Baumberg "Exploiting quantum coherence of polaritons for ultra sensitive detectors,", arXiv:1210.1187 (2012)
G. Tosi, G. Christmann, N. G. Berloff, P. Tsotsis, T. Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, J. J. Baumberg "Geometrically locked vortex lattices in semiconductor quantum fluids," Nature Communications, 3 , 1243 (2012) P. Nowik-Boltyk, O. Dzyapko, V. E. Demidov, N.G. Berloff and S. O. Demokritov"Spatially non-uniform ground state and quantized vortices in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate of magnons ", Nature Sci. Reps., 2, 482 (2012) M. O. Borgh, G. Franchetti, J. Keeling and N. G. Berloff, "Robustness and observability of rotating vortex-lattices in an exciton-polariton condensate'", Phys. Rev. B 86, 035307 (2012) N.G.Berloff and J.Keeling, ``Universality in modelling non-equilibrium polariton condensates," In: Bramati A., Modugno M. (eds) Physics of Quantum Fluids. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, vol 177. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2013) G. Tosi, G. Christmann, N.G. Berloff, P. Tsotsis, T. Gao, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, J.J. Baumberg, "Sculpting oscillators with light within a nonlinear quantum fluid", Nature Physics, 8, 190-194 (2012) L. Warszawski, A. Melatos, and N. G. Berloff ``Unpinning triggers for superfluid vortex avalanches'' Physical Review B, 85, 104503 (2012) G. Christmann, G. Tosi, N. G. Berloff, P. Tsotsis, P.S. Eldridge, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, J. J. Baumberg, ``Polariton ring condensates and sunflower ripples in an expanding quantum liquid'' Phys. Rev. B 85, 235303 (2012) J. Keeling, N. G. Berloff "Controllable half-vortex lattices in an incoherently pumped polariton condensate", review by PRL, arXiv:1102.5302, 2011 H. Salman, N. G. Berloff, P. H. Roberts "From Classical Fields to Two-Fluid Model of Superfluidity: Emergent Kinetics and Local Gauge Transformations", Chapter in "Non-Equilibrium Quantum Gases at Finite Temperatures", ed. M. Davis, S. Gardiner, N. Nygaard, N. Proukakis, and M. Szymanska (World Scientific, 2011) N. G. Berloff, "Turbulence in exciton-polariton condensates", review by PRL, arXiv:1010.5225, 2011 C. Yin, N. G. Berloff, V. M. Perez-Garcia, D. Novoa, A. V. Carpentier, and H. Michinel "Coherent atomic soliton molecules for matter-wave switching, " Phys. Rev. A 83, 051605(R) (2011) J. Keeling and N.G. Berloff "Exciton-polariton condensation," Review, Contemporary Physics, Volume 52, Issue 2 (2011) M. O. Borgh, J. Keeling and N.G. Berloff "Spatial pattern formation and polarization dynamics of a nonequilibrium spinor polariton condensate" Phys. Rev. B 81, 235302 (2010) Natalia G. Berloff, Victor M. Perez-Garcia "A nonlinear quantum piston for the controlled generation of vortex rings", arXiv:1006.4426, 2010. V. M. Perez-Garcia, N. G. Berloff, P. G. Kevrekidis, V.V. Konotop, and B. A. Malomed "Nonlinear phenomena in degenerate quantum gases," Special issue on quantum gasses, Physica D, 238, 1289, 2009. H. Salman and N.G.Berloff "Condensation of classical nonlinear waves in a two-component system,'' Special issue on quantum gasses, Physica D, 238, 1482, 2009. N.G.Berloff and B.V.Svistunov " The turbulent matter field of ultracold atoms," Viewpoint, Physics 2, 61, 2009. N.G.Berloff "Vortex Splitting in Subcritical Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equations," Special issue on vortex rings, Journal of Fluid Dynamics Research, 41, 051403, 2009. J. Keeling and N.G. Berloff "Going with the flow," Nature, 273, 2009. P.Mason and N.G. Berloff " "Dynamics of quantum vortices in a toroidal trap," Phys . Rev. A 79, 043620, 2009. J. Keeling and N. G. Berloff ''Spontaneous Rotating Vortex Lattices in a Pumped Decaying Condensate,'' Physical Review Letters 100,, 250401, 2008. P. Mason and N.G. Berloff "Motion of Quantum Vortices on Inhomogeneous Backgrounds," Phys Rev A, 77 , 032107, 2008. N.G.Berloff ''Quantum vortices, travelling coherent structures and superfluid turbulence,''' Invited review, Proceedings of the Thematic Program on Gross-Pitaevskii Equation, Edited by: Alberto Farina, Peter Markowitch, and Jean-Claude Saut, AMS, Contemporary Mathematics book series, 2008. N. G. Berloff and A. J. Youd ''Dissipative dynamics of superfluid vortices at non-zero temperatures,'' Physical Review Letters, 99, 145301, 2007. P. Mason, N. G. Berloff and A. L. Fetter ''Motion of a vortex line near the boundary of a semi-infinite uniform condensate,'' Physical Reviews A, 74 , 043611, 2006. N. G. Berloff and C. Yin ''Turbulence And Coherent Structures in Two-Component Bose Condensates,'' Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 145 , 187-207, 2006. N.G. Berloff ''Nucleation of solitary wave complexes in two-component mixture Bose-Einstein condensates,'' arXiv:cond-mat/0412743, 2005. N.G. Berloff ''Solitary wave complexes in two-component mixture condensates,'' Physical Review Letters, 94 , 120401, 2005. N.G. Berloff ''Nonlinear dynamics of secondary protein folding,'' Physical Letters A, 337 , 391, 2005. N.G. Berloff ''Solitary waves on vortex lines in Ginzburg-Landau models,'' Physical Review Letters, 94 , 010403, 2005. N.G. Berloff and C.F.Barenghi ''Evolution of vortex rings after the collapse of ultrasound bubbles in superfluids,'' Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 138 , 481, 2005. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts ''Motions in a Bose condensate: X. New results on stability of axisymmetric solitary waves of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation,'' Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 37, 11333, 2004. N.G. Berloff ''Interactions of vortices with rarefaction solitary waves in a condensate and their role in the decay of superfluid turbulence,'' Phys. Rev A, 69, 053601, 2004. (cond-mat/0401070) N.G. Berloff and C.F.Barenghi ``Vortex nucleation by collapsing bubbles in Bose-Einstein condensates,'' Physical Review Letters, 93 , 090401, 2004. One of the figures from our paper appeared on the cover and was featured on the PRL web page. N.G. Berloff `` Pade approximations of solitary wave solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, '' Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 37(5), 1617 - 1632, 2004. CORRIGENDUM N.G.Berloff ``Gene expression data analysis: clus tering technique using models of transcriptional control of gene networks,'' Currents in Computational Molecular Biology 2003, Ed. R. Spang, P. Beziat and M. Vingron, 2003. N.G. Berloff ``Gene expression data analysis,'' Biosystems, in review, 2003. The complete clustering results are available here with the numbering of genes given here. N.G. Berloff, M. Perola, and K. Lange ``Spline Methods for the Comparison of Physical and Genetic Maps,'' Journal of Computational Biology, 9 (3), 465-476, 2003. N.G. Berloff and B.V. Svistunov ``Scenario of strongly non-equilibrated Bose-Einstein condensation,'' Phys. Rev. A, 66 , 013603, 2002. N.G. Berloff ``Evolution of rarefaction pulses into vortex rings,'' Phys. Rev. B, 65, 2002. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Motions in a Bose condensate IX. Crow instability of antiparallel vortex pairs,'' Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 34, 10057-10066, 2001. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Vortices in nonlocal condensate models of superfluid helium,'' "Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence" edited by C.F. Barenghi, R.J. Donnelly and W.F. Vinen, Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 571, Springer-Verlag, 2001. P.H. Roberts and N.G. Berloff, ``Nonlinear Schrodinger equation as a model of superfluid helium,'' "Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence" edited by C.F. Barenghi, R.J. Donnelly and W.F. Vinen, Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 571, Springer-Verlag, 2001. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Roton creation and vortex nucleation in superfluids,'' Phys. Letts. A, 274, 69-74, 2000. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Motions in a Bose condensate VIII. The electron bubble,'' Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 34, 81-91, 2001. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Capture of an impurity by a vortex line in a Bose condensate'', Phys. Rev. B, 63, 024510, 2000. N.G. Berloff, ``Vortex nucleation by a moving ion in a Bose condensate'', Phys. Lett. A277, 240-244, 2000. N.G. Berloff and P.H. Roberts, ``Motions in a Bose condensate VII. Boundary Layer Separation'', Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 33, 4025-4038, 2000. N.G. Berloff and P. H. Roberts, ``Motions in a Bose condensate VI. Vortices in a nonlocal model'' , Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and General, 32, 1-15, 1999. N.G. Berloff ``Nonlocal nonlinear Schroedinger equations as models of superfluidity'', Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 116 (5/6), p. 1-22, 1999. N.G. Berloff and L.N. Howard, ``Nonlinear wave interactions in Nonlinear Nonintegrable Systems'', Studies in Applied Mathematics, v.100, p.195-213, 1998 N.G. Berloff and L.N. Howard, ``Solitary waves and Periodic pulse trains as exact solutions for Nonlinear Nonintegrable Systems'', "Studies in Applied Mathematics", v.99(1), p. 1-24, July 1997 |