The conference will take place in the Cavendish Laboratory. This is
located to the west of the City Centre. It is most easily accessed
via a short walk along the Coton footpath, which is an extension of
Adams Road. Car access to the laboratory is from Madingley Road (take
the JJ Thomson Avenue turning). Note that there is very
limited car parking space. The sessions will be held in the Pippard
Lecture Theatre which is close to the rear entrance that is reached
via the Coton footpath. The rear entrance should also be used by
those parking in the car park (do not use the main entrance to the
building). A detailed map of the Cavendish is
The building will be open from 7:30am until 6:00pm each day.
Conference contact information:
Before July 15:
Strings 2002, DAMTP/CMS
Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA
phone: +44 1223 765317, fax: +44 1223 766883
Between July 15 and July 20:
Strings 2002
Cavendish Laboratory
Madingley Road, Cambridge
phone: +44 1223 765280
Computing facilities
There are thirty terminals in a room close to the Pippard Lecture
Theatre that is clearly sign posted. These will allow you to use
ssh or telnet to your host institutions and use the web. Each work
station has a separate id and password. You may download files
but individual participants will not have separate accounts. It
is not expected that participants will need to use the printer
and it will be severely restricted.
Coffee/Tea breaks
Coffee, tea and other refreshments will be provided in the morning
and afternoon breaks in two large rooms close to the Pippard
Lecture Theatre.
Lunch in Robinson College is included in the registration fee for
those who have paid the full fee. The lunch breaks allow ample
time for the walk to Robinson and a leisurely lunch. Please let
the conference secretariat know if you are not intending to take
lunch in Robinson (however, refunds are not possible).
Cavendish cafeteria
The cafeteria will be able to serve a limited number of
participants and can be used, for example, by students who have
paid the lower registration fee that does not include the Robinson
lunches. There is also a restaurant called "West" close to the
Cavendish site.
Online proceedings
There will be no hard copy of the proceedings. The web archive will
contain scanned transparencies and audio versions of each talk. In
addition each speaker has been assigned space in the archive for an
enhanced description of their talk, in which they should insert links
to their own, or other people's, work on the xxx archive. There will
also be an archived video recording of each talk.
Getting around (bicycle, bus, taxi, train)
Bicycles can be rented from Mike's Bikes, 28 Mill Road, 01223-312591.
Strings participants will receive a 10 percent discount.
Taxi stands are located at the railway station, bus station and Market
Square in the city centre. Click here
for a map of the latter (the taxi stands are depicted with a white car on a blue square).
The bus station is located at Drummer Street. Click
to see its location on the Cambridge map.
The train station is located to the south of the centre, about 20-30
minutes walk from the centre. Click here
to see its location on the Cambridge map.
Tourist information
The Cambridge tourist information office has its own
A searchable list of Cambridge restaurants can be found on
web site.