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  • 2012-date:  Senior Research Associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2008-2012: STFC Advanced Fellow, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2007-2008: PPARC/STFC  Advanced Fellow, MSSL, University College London
  • 2004-2007: Research Fellow, MSSL, University College London
  • 2002-2004:  Research Associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2001:  Research Associate,  University of Florence, Italy
  • 1999-2001:  Research Associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge


I am a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics  Atomic Astrophysics research group. My current research interests are on energy transfer processes in the solar corona.

Atomic physics calculations and plasma diagnostic techniques applied to XUV spectroscopic observations allow the measurements of plasma parameters such as electron density, temperature, chemical abundances. In conjunction with modeling, they can help us in understanding how magnetic energy is transferred into heat in all varieties of solar coronal features, from active region loops to solar flares.

I have also been working on measuring the solar EUV irradiance and its variations during the last solar cycle, and how these variations can be modeled and models applied to other stars.

I contributed to atomic data calculations (within the UK APAP network), to line identifications and benchmarking atomic data against laboratory and astrophysical spectra, to atomic data distribution via the CHIANTI atomic database and VAMDC.


Selected Publications (most recent)

Atomic data

  • Young, Peter R.; Dere, Ken P.; Landi, E.; Del Zanna, G.; Mason, H.E, 2016, The CHIANTI atomic database, J Phys. B, accepted (arXiv151205620Y)
  • Del Zanna, G., and Badnell, N. R.,2016, Atomic Data for Astrophysics: Ni XII, A&A, 585, A118
  • Del Zanna, G., and Badnell, N. R.,2016, Atomic data and density diagnostics for S IV, MNRAS, in press
  • Del Zanna, G.,Dere, K., Young, P.R., Landi, E., and Mason, H.E., 2015, CHIANTI - An atomic databasefor Emission Lines. Version 8, A&A, 582, A56
  • Del Zanna, G., Badnell, N. R., Fern´andez-Menchero, L., Liang, G., Mason, H.E., and Storey, P.J., 2015, On the validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Fe XIV, MNRAS, 454, 2909
  • Fernandez-Menchero, L.,  Del Zanna, G., and Badnell, N. R., 2015, Validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Be-like Al9+ a case study, MNRAS, 450, 4174
  • Fernandez-Menchero, L., Del Zanna , G., and Badnell, N. R., 2015, Resolution of the forbidden (J = 0 0)excitation puzzle in Mg-like ions , A&A, 577, A95 
  • Del Zanna, G., Fernandez-Menchero, L., Badnell, N.R., 2014, Benchmarking atomic Data for Astrophysics: Si III, A&A, 574, A99



CHIANTI—An Atomic Database for Emission Lines—Paper. XVIII. Version 11, Advanced Ionization Equilibrium Models: Density and Charge Transfer Effects
RP Dufresne, G Del Zanna, PR Young, KP Dere, E Deliporanidou, WT Barnes, E Landi
– The Astrophysical Journal
Effect of Systematic Uncertainties on Density and Temperature Estimates in Coronae of Capella
X Yu, VL Kashyap, G Del Zanna, DA van Dyk, DC Stenning, CP Ballance, HP Warren
– The Astrophysical Journal
Satellite lines from auto-ionizing states of Fe xvi and the problems with the X-ray Fe xvii lines
G Del Zanna, NR Badnell, PJ Storey
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
SPICE connection mosaics to link the Sun' s surface and the heliosphere
T Varesano, DM Hassler, N Zambrana Prado, J Plowman, G Del Zanna, S Parenti, HE Mason, A Giunta, F Auchère, M Carlsson, A Fludra, H Peter, D Müller, D Williams, R Aznar Cuadrado, K Barczynski, E Buchlin, M Caldwell, T Fredvik, T Grundy, S Guest, L Harra, M Janvier, T Kucera, S Leeks, W Schmutz, U Schuehle, S Sidher, L Teriaca, W Thompson, SL Yardley
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Determining the Nanoflare Heating Frequency of an X-Ray Bright Point Observed by MaGIXS
B Mondal, PS Athiray, AR Winebarger, SL Savage, K Kobayashi, S Bradshaw, W Barnes, PR Champey, P Cheimets, J Dudík, L Golub, HE Mason, DE McKenzie, CS Moore, C Madsen, KK Reeves, P Testa, GD Vigil, HP Warren, RW Walsh, G Del Zanna
– The Astrophysical Journal
Satellite lines from autoionizing states of Fe XVI and the problems with the X-ray Fe XVII lines
GD Zanna, NR Badnell, PJ Storey
Spectral Imager of the Solar Atmosphere: The First Extreme-Ultraviolet Solar Integral Field Spectrograph Using Slicers
A Calcines Rosario, F Auchère, AJ Corso, G Del Zanna, J Dudík, S Gissot, LA Hayes, GS Kerr, C Kintziger, SA Matthews, S Musset, D Orozco Suárez, V Polito, HAS Reid, DF Ryan
– Aerospace
Chorus wave power at the strong diffusion limit overcomes electron losses due to strong diffusion
TA Daggitt, RB Horne, SA Glauert, G Del Zanna, JM Albert
– Nature communications
The Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics (SPARK) Mission Concept
HAS Reid, S Musset, DF Ryan, V Andretta, F Auchère, D Baker, F Benvenuto, P Browning, É Buchlin, A Calcines Rosario, SD Christe, AJ Corso, J Dahlin, S Dalla, G Del Zanna, C Denker, J Dudík, R Erdélyi, I Ermolli, L Fletcher, A Fludra, LM Green, M Gordovskyy, SL Guglielmino, I Hannah, R Harrison, LA Hayes, AR Inglis, NLS Jeffrey, J Kašparová, GS Kerr, C Kintziger, EP Kontar, S Krucker, T Laitinen, P Laurent, O Limousin, DM Long, SA Maloney, P Massa, AM Massone, S Matthews, T Mrozek, VM Nakariakov, S Parenti, M Piana, V Polito, M Pesce-Rollins, P Romano, AP Rouillard, C Sasso, AY Shih, M Stęślicki, D Orozco Suárez, L Teriaca, M Verma, AM Veronig, N Vilmer, C Vocks, A Warmuth
– Aerospace
CHIANTI—An Atomic Database for Emission Lines. XVII. Version 10.1: Revised Ionization and Recombination Rates and Other Updates* *Released on 2023 July 17.
KP Dere, G Del Zanna, PR Young, E Landi
– The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
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