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(Oct 2024) Congratulations to Giulio del Zanna for being appointed Honorary Professor in the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Leicester!
(Oct 2024) Our group welcomes Johannes Sadler, new PhD student, Nicole Shibley, new Assistant Professor, and Mor Rozner, new Junior Research Fellow.
(Sep 2024) Congratulations to Helen Mason on being awarded the Ogden Trust's Sustained Contribution to Physics Outreach Award 2024.
(Sep 2024) Congratulations to Stanislav DeLaurentiis for a successful MPhil defence.
(May 2024) Congratulations to Tom Daggit for a successful PhD defence.

News archive

(Apr 2023) Congratulations to Nicolas Cimerman for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
(Jan 2023) University of Cambridge issued a press release based on the study of protoplanetary discs by our group's members Nicolas Cimerman and Roman Rafikov.
(Oct 2022) Our group welcomes new PhD students Amelia Cordwell and Joshua Brown.
(May 2022) Congratulations to our group's former PhD student Chris Hamilton who received 2021 IAU PhD Prize! This prestigious international award recognized PhD thesis work successfully defended by Chris in 2021.
(Mar 2022) Congratulations to Antranik Sefilian for successfully defending his PhD thesis! We wish him all the best in his new position at the University of Jena, Germany.
(Oct 2021) We welcome our new PhD students Nathan Magnan and Matthew Roberts.
(Sept 2021) Congratulations to Chris Hamilton for successfully defending his PhD thesis! We wish him all the best in his new position at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA).
(Jul 2021) University of Cambridge issued a press release based on the study of protoplanetary discs by Prof Roman Rafikov and Kedron Silsbee (MPE, Garching).
(May 2021) Our group organized a very successful virtual workshop 'Distorted Astrophysical Discs: New Insights and Future Directions' (DAD2021). Sponsored by the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge (KICC), this online event attracted more than 220 international participants.
(Oct 2020) We welcome our new postdocs Can Cui, Zhao Guo, Alexander Rasskazov and Yamini Rao.
(Jul 2020) Congratulations to Loren Held on his successful PhD defence and moving to a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam).
(Jun 2020) We are saddened to hear that Nigel Weiss, who led this group for many years, has died at the age of 83.
(Oct 2019) We welcome our new postdoc Hongping Deng, new PhD student Callum Fairbairn, and Masters intern Remy Larue.
(Aug 2019) The group bids farewell to postdoc William Bethune, who is taking up a position at the University of Tuebingen.
(May 2019) Congratulations to Janosz Dewberry and Hayley Allison for successfully defending their PhD theses! We bid them farewell and wish them well in their new positions, respectively at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam.
(Apr 2019) Congratulations to Joey Paris for a successful PhD defence.
(Mar 2019) Congratulations to Cleo Loi for a successful PhD defence. She will be continuing research with the group under her new position as a Junior Research Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge.
(Oct 2018) We congratulate Roman Rafikov on his promotion to Reader!
(Oct 2018) Welcome to the new PhD students Lorenzo Perrone and Nicolas Cimerman!
(Sept 2018) The group bids farewell to postdoc Yufeng Lin who is taking up a permanent position at SUSTech in Shenzen.
(Apr 2018) The group welcomes new postdoc Girjesh Gupta.
(Jan 2018) A hearty congratulations to Helen Mason, who has been awarded the 2018 RAS Annie Maunder Medal for Outreach!
(Oct 2017) The group bids farewell to postdoc Jean Teyssandier, who is leaving to take up a position at Cornell University. We welcome new PhD students Chris Hamilton, Antranik Sefilian, Roger Dufresne, Philip Leung and Alexander Lozinski, and new postdoc William Béthune.
(Sep 2017) A special conference in honour of Prof. Mike Proctor's retirement will be held at DAMTP on the 11th-12th of September. We thank Profs Mike Proctor and Helen Mason, who will also be retiring shortly, for their contributions to solar research and wish them well in their retirement.
(Aug 2017) The group bids farewell to postdocs Antoine Riols and Rob Teed, who are leaving to take up positions in Grenoble (IPAG) and Glasgow.
(July 2017) We congratulate John Ross on graduating after a successful thesis defence. Well done and all the best!
(Nov 2016) Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Research Associate positions in our group, with a closing date of 31 December 2016.
(Oct 2016) The group welcomes new PhD students Loren Held and Elliot Lynch, and new staff member Roman Rafikov who has been appointed to the position of University Lecturer in Astrophysics.
(Oct 2015) The group welcomes new PhD students Hayley Allison, Janosz Dewberry and Shyeh Tjing Loi.
(Oct 2014) The group welcomes new Postdocs Andrew Hillier, Antoine Riols-Fonclare, Robert Teed & Jean Teyssandier, as well as new PhD students Sargam Mulay, Joseph Paris, Valeria Shumaylova & Marcela Vitti and new intern Quentin André.
(Oct 2013) The group welcomes new postdoc Adrian Barker and new PhD students Vanessa Polito, Johnathan Ross and Riccardo Vanon.
(Sept 2013) We congratulate Gordon Ogilvie on being appointed to a Professorship of Mathematical Astrophysics.
(Oct 2012) Dr Henrik Latter has been appointed to a University Lectureship in Astrophysics in DAMTP.
(Oct 2012) Dr Sijme-Jan Paardekooper has begun a Royal Society University Research Fellowship.
(Oct 2012) Professor Michael Proctor, FRS has been announced as Provost-elect of King's College.