Ph.D. Applications
We welcome applications for Ph.D. studentships. The group has 2 STFC studentships per year (shared with the Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics), for astrophysics research students starting in October. We normally allocate these around Easter, but late applications can sometimes be considered. Possible projects are:
- Triggering of filament eruptions and Coronal Mass Ejections
- Solar Active region heating
- Heating and cooling of solar flare loops
- Modelling the solar and stellar irradiances along cycles
- Atomic physics calculations applied to Astrophysics and benchmarking against experimental data
For further information regarding research opportunities, please contact the potential Ph.D. supervisors listed below.
- Dr Helen Mason
- Solar Coronal Physics
- Dr Giulio Del Zanna
- X-ray and EUV spectroscopy, Plasma Diagnostics and Solar Coronal Physics