Stephen J. Cowley: Papers
It would be nice if I had both more papers, and more of them on the WWW! For
the time being those available are (most are in postscript):
- Asymptotic
approaches to transition modelling, by S.J.Cowley and X. Wu. In
Progress in Transition Modelling, AGARD Report 793, Chapter 3, 1-38
- When
is the weakly nonlinear evolution of a localized disturbance governed by the
Ginzburg-Landau equation? by M.J. Jennings, P.A. Stewart and
S.J. Cowley. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A455, 1521-1560 (1999).
- During August 2001 it came to the authors' attention that much of
sections 2 and 3 repeats an earlier analysis of this problem by
Prof. R. Haberman (see the addendum in the WWW version for references). We
apologize unreservedly to Prof. Haberman for our failure (through ignorance)
to acknowledge his precedence.
- On the
formation of Moore curvature singularities in vortex sheets, by
S.J. Cowley, G.R. Baker and S. Tanveer. J. Fluid Mech. 378,
233-267 (1999).
- On the
nonlinear growth of two-dimensional Tollmien-Schlichting waves in a
flat-plate boundary layer, by J. Moston, P.A. Stewart and
S.J. Cowley. J. Fluid Mech. 425, 259-300 (2000).
- Laminar
Boundary-Layer Theory: A 20th Century Paradox?, in Proceedings of
ICTAM 2000, eds. H. Aref and J.W. Phillips, 389-411, Kluwer (2001). Also
available is a postscript
version, as well as a slightly
longer version (also in postscript).
- On
incipient vortex breakdown, by M.O. Souza and S.J. Cowley. Submitted
to J. Fluid Mech.
J. Cowley,
University of Cambridge.