Supervising QFT Examples classes

Thank you very much for signing up to be QFT examples class tutors.

The timetabling for the examples classes will be done in the Summer before the academic year starts. Times/rooms will be booked in afternoon slots for you to use. I'll let you know of these as soon as I know them. If you can't do some slot, it's OK for you to swap with one of the other tutors (this year, Ward Haddadin, Maeve Madigan, Joseph Smith and Khim Leong).

For the examples classes, you shall each share the 150 or so Part III students between you. Other students (eg undergraduates or PhD students) can come to lectures but are not supposed to come to examples classes (there's no pot of money to pay for this).

Time-slots will be 2:00-3:30pm and 3:30pm-5pm. You'll be assigned two groups of 18 students which you'll be supervising for each questions sheet. You will receive information about the timing of examples classes once they've all been booked.

The final sheet should be tutored in the first week of *Lent term*. The other sheets will be taught in weeks 4, 6 and 8 of Michelmas (the week begins on the Thursday).

Classes will be in the afternoons (lectures are in the morning).

Students may hand in work to you (the 2 starred questions per sheet) for marking prior to the class and feedback. For feedback, you can provide a line or two suggesting how they might have done better (or just write `perfect' if it is!) It's a shame, but we find take-up on this feedback opportunity is very low. You get paid a rate for each one marked. If some tutor from a college complains about the lack of feedback, you should politely tell them that it is via this process for any student that wants it, that they can get feedback.

A new question has been added for both the fourth and the third sheet. There are some typed up solutions for 2018/2019 here, kindly provided by Khim Leong, sheet:
1 | answers
2 (note Q8, Q10b now removed - this sheet was too long before)| answers
3 | answers | answer to new question for 2020
4 | answers | answer to new question for 2020.
Printed solutions (NOT electronic copies) for a sheet should only be given out to students after its examples class has taken place. The students' struggle is important for their learning.

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